Enter in. My creative journey into the heavenliness, into the heart of Love, where intimacy with my King overflows in ministry, mercy, missions, miracles, music, and mysteries.

"For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." Romans 8:15

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Visiting Orphans.

I have currently traveled back to the United States for a very short two week trip. Our ministry is currently in transition as we are spreading our wings to fly as our own non profit organization. As I have travelled back, I'm so aware of all the relationships that have been formed in the name of serving the beautiful children of Africa. God continues to amaze me in His provision and the way He unites His body all over the world to see His Kingdom Come and to share with His own how much He loves them.

While there are many people who have poured countless hours of time, energy, and skill into making our work successful...I just wanted to share about one organization that is partnering with our work and to honor them.

Last year, our ministry went through a leadership change and a very intense and difficult transition which led me to be healed from blindness so to speak to the wiles of Africa. Following this, we were left with very little. We were literallly running on faith as our bank accounts were very depleted not to mention our energy accounts as well. We were left tired and weary and needed God's refreshment and encouragement to continue.

At the time, I had also left about 700 pounds of provisional supplies for our school and children in America due to a change in a plan for a team to bring them over. Well God had His own plan. Literally through His Holy Spirit, he led a young executive director of an missions organization to us. Amanda had dreams, heard songs, had prophetic words, and finally found us through a small display of jewelry and brochures. She told me that she felt like she was supposed to work with us in Uganda sending groups to visit us. Her organization called Visiting Orphans sent us their first team that July and brought over the remainder of the supplies for us! God is so faithful.

Over the past year, Visiting Orphans has sent us several missions teams. God has knit hearts together through the individuals who have come to visit us and has grown our support tremendously. A year ago we barely had plates and forks in our house and we ate a LOT of beans and rice. We had no furniture. While we still eat a LOT of beans and rice ;) God has tremendously blessed us in mighty ways. Showing off just how faithful He is and how He can be glorified with any hand we are dealt. If we will just hold on, trust and believe...even in the dark moments where we can't see, we can still see the light shining piercing through. That was a very difficult season of life, stretching our faith, doubt trying to creep in and telling us to close down and leave Uganda...but we stood firm on God's word and promise. And I am so glad that we did. :)

Through Visiting Orphans, many of our children have been sponsored, we have added board members, and faithful partners who have like hearts. I am so thankful for this incredible organization and what they do. They are literally touching the lives of children all over the world. Children who are forgotten, hidden, invisible, and in desperate need of knowing they are lovable and that they are loved not only by God but also by His body, His hands, feet, and heart as she dances across the nations singing of His goodness and faithfulness to His very own. and not only are they touching the lives of children, but they are being the answer to prayer for countless care takers on their knees on behalf of the children they care for, believing God for His provision, crying out for His help....He is sending them out to bring His JOY, His Light, His beautiful encouragement, and His answer to their cries.

Here are a few photos from Visiting Orphans days with us. Visit their website to sign up for a trip in one of 13 countries and go tell the Fatherless...they have a Father! This is the gospel (good news) for them. They are not alone. Jesus died for them to make a way to His Father. If they are worth that, they are worth our time, money, and certainly our love.

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